You are here: Home News Dragonball GT: Transformation - Screens
Two screens from the next GBA Dragonball title: Dragonball GT: Transformation.
same old same old...
u guys are fuckin gay this game ROX!!!!!
how did you get this game is it on gba emulater or rom if you have it on rom can you show me were to get it
man i cant wait fo dis game 2 come out cause i'm am probably da biggest dbz and dbgt fan der is net 2 my best friend trey dat is
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same old same old...
u guys are fuckin gay this game ROX!!!!!
how did you get this game is it on gba emulater or rom if you have it on rom can you show me were to get it
man i cant wait fo dis game 2 come out cause i'm am probably da biggest dbz and dbgt fan der is net 2 my best friend trey dat is
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