You are here: Home News Sonic Rush - Screens
Brand new screens of Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS. Rush in to see them!
Better fix em a bit. Looks sweet so far. Also, you got a bit of an error, on the main page it says Rush Yourself as the tagline thingy, and the full story says Rush in right now. Flip em around.
Cool! And we even get to see that Princess person! Sonics still cooler.
Who is that? That character doesn't looks like Sonic.
The other character is a princess from another kingdom/
Kinda fixed the black line thingy 8)
isn't the cat?
It's Blaze the Cat, a princess from another world who we no nothing about, except that they're a second playable character.
^Thats it, shi*e name
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Better fix em a bit. Looks sweet so far. Also, you got a bit of an error, on the main page it says Rush Yourself as the tagline thingy, and the full story says Rush in right now. Flip em around.
Cool! And we even get to see that Princess person! Sonics still cooler.
Who is that? That character doesn't looks like Sonic.
The other character is a princess from another kingdom/
Kinda fixed the black line thingy 8)
isn't the cat?
It's Blaze the Cat, a princess from another world who we no nothing about, except that they're a second playable character.
^Thats it, shi*e name
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