You are here: Home News Dino GrandPrix - Screens & Boxart
Probably a Japan-only game, but still worth seeing the screens of Dino GrandPrix at least once.
Doesnt have an age rating.
OH----MY---G**---, has Nintendo gone crazy with Pokemons? Now they are making a dino style Pokemon game
Nintendo never made this. But WTF The graphics are freakin amazing!! There FF: Crystal Chronicles looking on GC!
Oh I see now, but usually theres a box with "Everybody" (usually) "12" "15" "18" on it.
The graphix are beatiful
Reminds me of Final Fantasy 8
so do you race or fight?? but the graphics are OK...Nanostray and Another Code Two memories are still the best
Hey yeah, the ground's all smooth like, not spotted like other DS games... Hopefully Crystal Chronicles will have graphics like that.
Why wouldn't this come out in the U.S. or Europe? We believe in dinosaurs, too!
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Doesnt have an age rating.
OH----MY---G**---, has Nintendo gone crazy with Pokemons? Now they are making a dino style Pokemon game
Nintendo never made this. But WTF The graphics are freakin amazing!! There FF: Crystal Chronicles looking on GC!
Oh I see now, but usually theres a box with "Everybody" (usually) "12" "15" "18" on it.
The graphix are beatiful
Reminds me of Final Fantasy 8
so do you race or fight?? but the graphics are OK...Nanostray and Another Code Two memories are still the best
Hey yeah, the ground's all smooth like, not spotted like other DS games... Hopefully Crystal Chronicles will have graphics like that.
Why wouldn't this come out in the U.S. or Europe? We believe in dinosaurs, too!
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