Metal Slug 1, 2, 3 and X For GameBoy Advance
SNK Playmore has announced that four parts of their popular Metal Slug series will hit the GBA in the future...
According to the German gaming-news website Gamefront, SNK Playmore has announced that they're porting the 2D shooter Metal Slug 1, 2, 3 and X to the GameBoy Advance.
After Metal Slug Advance, we already knew that Metal Slug 1 was heading to the GameBoy Advance after seeing the first screenshots. The releaseterm of the new title(s) are yet unknown.
src: Gamefront
GameBoy Adbance?! Is that what they are calling the next gen GB?! SWEET!!!!!! :P :D Ill buy um all, love Metal Slug!
lol :D
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