Top Gun DS - Movie

We've received a movie showing the gameplay in the upcoming Top Gun game for the Nintendo DS.
Although the movie is lacking sound and is recorded in a somewhat odd resolution, the movie does give a good idea of what we may expect from the upcoming flight-shooter for the Dual Screen system.
I have actually. What did you use to make this anyway?
dennis - try AutoGK ... nice, free, does a good job.
Will try some freeware encoders.
dennis - That's cool. I understand the reasoning ... but I sure wouldn't support MS's WMV format above Flash ... :) Perhaps Xvid?
Hmmm...looks "ok"...not something that I would pick up though.
Nah, just get SwishVideo2. Easy overlaying, no more scary WMV ... nice HQ Flash based video. Cheap - $39.99. Great stuff.
It's awesome, though! And I never saw it there. So, yay for DS-x2!!!
This is the same video that's been on IGN for months -_-;
*doublepost, yet worth it* Just found out I can overlay a logo with virtualdub. Will try using that next time :)
Got enough money to buy me Adobe Premiere? :)
Just stick the actual ds-x2 logo at the bottom left of the video - makes it look better.
looks good, not sure how a plane can obliterate a massive ship, completely off the map, but thats the fun of games.
Wait a Sec! It has the Targeting System like Star Wars ep3! Ubisoft made this?
OMG! Finaly. i'v been waiting for News on this for months.
the plane details are top-notch, but the enviroments are not as great. This game looks like it has good controls, hope they make this a winner.
Thanks for the advise darkuni, but I try to keep away from Flash as much as possible. A pretty large amount of people is still blocking flash objects or haven't got a flash-player installed.
See Dennis, buy SwishVideo, sexier!
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