New Writers Wanted
May is just around the corner and that usually means a whole lot of Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS-related news. Do you have what it takes to be part of DS-x2?
The people behind DS-x2 are small in number, although we always managed to do a pretty decent job. However, DS-x2 is in need of new flesh to keep up with the constant stream of news releases in the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS scenes.
What we're looking for is a bunch of writers, people willing to contribute newsstories on a regular basis. Interested? Then make sure you meet the requirements:
- You can read and write (decent) English. Really, who writes like the Hammer Bros in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time?
- You can pronounce the word 'HTML', know what it means and you know the basics of HTML by heart.
- You can do a tiny little bit of image-editing. You may have noticed we're putting a watermark on every single screenshot and screenshots are rarely displayed in a resolution of 1024 by 256 pixels. Hence, you know how to resize and crop an image.
- You're unbiased. Well, most of the time... We know Mega Man is already heading for a sixth instalment of Mega Man Battle Network on the Game Boy Advance, but there's no need to point out that you don't need another one of those Capcom games.
- Most important: you like to write. We're not copying articles from others and neither should you. If you see an interesting article elsewhere, you grab your keyboard and start typing rather than selecting the text and pasting it on DS-x2. This also isn't a fling, you honestly have the feeling you want to participate for at least 6 months.
Interested people are asked to write a sample article based on any Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS or Nintendo-related topic and send their article to Based on your entry we'll decide whether or not we'll send you a "welcome to the club" postcard.
I might give this one a shot...
il try should i ?
maybe i should give it a try
I just don't think I'd be able to do much for the site. Maybe I'll give it a shot anyway.
what's the but?
I would love to do this, but... Oh, well. I guess I'll just keep reading... :)
Well, I just sent mine in. Hope there's no spelling mistakes, or I'll sue M$... Here's hopin'!
Just make up your own newsstory, or rewrite an existing one. It's just so we've got a rough idea on your 'style'. (plus an idea on grammar and spelling ;)) idea what to write. A review is out of the question isn't it, as this isn't a review position.
Great! Thanks in advance for all considering helping out. I think together we can improve DS-x2, as you are the ones reading DS-x2 and know what you're interested in :)
I wanted to be one back in december and i can do all that stuff.
Yeah, give it a shot if you want to NPC. :)
@ NPC It doesn't hurt to try. ;)
hmmm.. I like the DS-x2 site, I like being up-to-date on gaming news, should I apply? I think I have the classic fear of rejection. :/
It would be good to see some new staff members. Good Luck ;)
Short on staff huh Dennis? I'd offer but you know...
Hello. You may not know me, but I sure do know you all. I have been using this site near dayly to keep up to date for about half a year. Now, reading this I have decided that maybe it would be nice to attempt helping this site, though it doesn't seem to need it. Well, I am hereby offering my services to you. I shall send a sample. ---edited--- gosh-darnit, how am I supposed to write articles if I can't even get my own email adress right. sigh. It's supposed to be "gmail" not "gmai". Little help here please?
Everything is fine, as long as you don't post images with a watermark in the center of it ;) Just send an email with the sample :) (counts for both of you)
Like you know Dennis I use to be a news poster here for a bit, and I was also once a news poster at Revolution-Europe[when it was C-E]. Now I just post news and media on R-E forums and contribute to no site, but I'm willing to help. However, I'd rather just do news that doesn't involve screenshots if thats okay? As I found that a chore personally.
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