You are here: Home News Deep Labyrinth - Screenshots
Brand new screenshots from the Hack'n'Slash game coming to the US shores soon: Deep Labyrinth.
looks awesome
WOW insnaness
Looks very nice indeed...
We need Elder Scrolls DS *-*
some of the screens look like its pushing the ds to its limit with the graphics.
Looks very bizzare, in an "I can brag about this to all those 360 junkies" way. I'm so happy. I can get them to stutter already, with this I can get them to keel over and faint. Mwahahahaha
It's ok...but I could only do so much when the game's in Japanese. Yay for localization!
Wow, old school first person RPG. I need some more RPG for my collection.
Hehe, I realy love the graphics, but the outdoor-scene with the stone-golem-whatever-thing somehow reminds me of the Teletubby-Land xD
i'm trading tao's adventure for this. :)
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looks awesome
WOW insnaness
Looks very nice indeed...
We need Elder Scrolls DS *-*
some of the screens look like its pushing the ds to its limit with the graphics.
Looks very bizzare, in an "I can brag about this to all those 360 junkies" way. I'm so happy. I can get them to stutter already, with this I can get them to keel over and faint. Mwahahahaha
It's ok...but I could only do so much when the game's in Japanese. Yay for localization!
Wow, old school first person RPG. I need some more RPG for my collection.
Hehe, I realy love the graphics, but the outdoor-scene with the stone-golem-whatever-thing somehow reminds me of the Teletubby-Land xD
i'm trading tao's adventure for this. :)
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