You are here: Home News Lunar Knights - New DS Scans
The DS sequel to the estranged GameBoy Advance game Boktai is heading our way under the name Lunar Knights, and we have brand new scans to prove it!
Scan 1 Scan 2
I wish they had pushed the 2D more, but its shaping up to be a really cool game.
It´s always good to have some Kojima Productions love. :) Can´t wait!
I wish Animal Crossing would have such a beautifull sky-view *-*
wow. they make django look way different from the GBA games. and i hear the game has some 3d space battles in it wich makes it even better.
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I wish they had pushed the 2D more, but its shaping up to be a really cool game.
It´s always good to have some Kojima Productions love. :) Can´t wait!
I wish Animal Crossing would have such a beautifull sky-view *-*
wow. they make django look way different from the GBA games. and i hear the game has some 3d space battles in it wich makes it even better.
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