You are here: Home News Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning - Screenshots
The first screenshots of the purple dragon in Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning on the Nintendo DS.
That looks more like an ant than a dragon...
he means he is very small in the pictures. THey look intresting, but I'm sure it will jsut be another half-assed port. I wish they would bring the originals to the DS...
tesio is correct. I think Spyro's ridiculously small on the screen. But who knows; might still be a good game.
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That looks more like an ant than a dragon...
he means he is very small in the pictures. THey look intresting, but I'm sure it will jsut be another half-assed port. I wish they would bring the originals to the DS...
tesio is correct. I think Spyro's ridiculously small on the screen. But who knows; might still be a good game.
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