Front Studios On Wii

Front Studios revealed to Wii-x2 that they're currently working on several Wii projects.
Developer Front Studios revealed to us that they're currently working on several Wii projects. One of the three titles revealed to us was a title already discussed in the past: Sadness.
In co-production with Polish developer Nibris, Front Studios are working on Sadness for the Wii console. Although the game was one of the first games announced for the platform, Front Studios stated that the title is currently planned for Q2 2008. Gamers looking out for this title will have to wait a little longer than expected.
Secondly, Front Studios are working on My Squad, set for a release somewhat earlier: Q1 2008. Unfortunately, we did not yet receive any information on this title.
But there's more. The developers are also working on the Wii version of Chicken Shoot, the game also in development for the Nintendo DS and earlier released on the Game Boy Advance. In the wacky game, games get to use the Wii-mote to target flying chicken. Whether we're shooting ducks or chicken, we don't care. Fact is, that fans of Duck Hunt might be in fr a treat. Chicken Shoot is currently set for a release during Q2 2007.
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